Alt Credit magazine named Curiam Capital one of the top 12 new credit funds for 2019 in its October 2018 issue. Founders Owen Cyrulnik and Ross Wallin launched the new litigation finance firm, Curiam Capital LLC, in February 2018 with financial backing from Bluecrest founder Michael Platt. Alt Credit commented: “Once a niche sector within […]
As it appeared in Law360 By Molly Pease Litigation finance has garnered increased acceptance in the business world and many companies find themselves applying for financing for the first time. The process is not difficult, but few do it right. How can you best position your company to get approval for litigation financing? And how […]
As it appeared in Bloomberg Big Law Business By Stephanie Russell-Kraft – Bloomberg Law Burford Capital, the world’s largest litigation finance firm, announced this week that it had raised another $250 million in a span of just 24 hours, the latest sign that litigation funding is still booming. As Bloomberg Law reported in March, Big […]
As it appeared on Litigation Finance Journal In this episode, we sat down with Ross Wallin, Co-Founder of NY-based Curiam Capital, which just opened its doors this past February. Ross spoke about why he made the transition from litigator to litigation funder, how Curiam differentiates itself from the competition, how law firms can utilize litigation […]
As it appeared in the Litigation Finance Journal. By John Freund Last Monday and Tuesday, litigation funders, lawyers and investors convened at the Apella event space on East 29th Street in Manhattan for the inaugural LF Dealmakers Forum. This article will highlight the panel discussions at the conference (for a recap of the keynote speech delivered […]
As it appeared on Law360 By Sam Reisman Law360, New York (September 17, 2018, 7:29 PM EDT) — A panel of litigation finance experts pushed back Monday against a recent bar opinion that portfolio funding could be unethical and told representatives from the burgeoning industry that they should prepare themselves for some form of enhanced […]
In portfolio finance transactions, a litigation finance company provides capital to a firm, usually a law firm but sometimes a litigant, in exchange for a negotiated share in whatever proceeds the firm receives from a portfolio of cases. The cases in the portfolio typically are cross-collateralized, which means that the litigation finance company’s return comes […]
Curiam Capital Managing Principal, Ross Wallin, will be moderating a panel at the Inaugural Litigation Finance Dealmakers Forum on September 17 – 18 at The Apella in New York City. The panel, entitled “Deconstructing Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues,” is scheduled for 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM on the event’s first day, September 17. The […]
Curiam Capital Managing Principal, Owen L. Cyrulnik, will be a speaker at the CFA Society New York event entitled “Litigation Finance – An Alternatives Strategy Event” on Tuesday, July 17, 2018. The session will explore the growing litigation finance market and associated investment opportunities, including the origins of the market, the size of the opportunities, […]
As is appeared in Institutional Investor Another firm is staffing up, and aiming to open financing options to law firms’ clients. By Alicia McElhaney Litigation finance firm Parabellum Capital has made three hires in an effort to expand into a growing market. Parabellum has hired Dai Wai Chin Feman as its director of commercial litigation strategies, […]