May 1, 2019

HPC #ThinkTank State of the Legal Industry: What is Top Of Mind?

As it appeared on High Performance Counsel‘s website. 

#TopOfMind: What single issue or opportunity is top of mind for you in the legal industry right now – and why?

Molly L. Pease

If law firms are serious about diversity – and they should be – they need to rethink how lawyers are hired, trained, and groomed to rise through the ranks towards partnership. The old model is not going to work for the newer generation nor for increasing diversity in the senior ranks. Studies show that millennial lawyers are less interested in the long-term goal of law firm partnership than ever before. And the ongoing attention and increase in legal disputes related to the gender pay gap and gender bias indicate that law firms still have work to do in figuring out how to create a culture that will allow women and minorities to achieve influential and highly-compensated partnership roles. The firms that get this done will be well rewarded by clients who genuinely care about the diversity of the legal teams representing them.

Curiam Capital

Curiam Capital

Curiam Capital is a private investment firm that provides financing for high-value litigation. Curiam specializes in finding flexible and creative solutions that allow parties to hire the lawyers of their choice to pursue strong legal claims. Learn More