On January 28, 2021, Owen Cyrulnik participated on the panel “Macro Trends in Litigation Finance: What Does 2021 Have in Store?” in Information Management Network (IMN)’s first installment of their Litigation Finance Virtual Series.
In addition to Owen, participants on the panel included Andrew Langhoff, Founder of Red Bridges Advisors, Eric Chenoweth, Investment Manager at Omni Bridgeway, and Boris Ziser, Partner at Schulte Roth & Zabel.
Owen shared his views on nationwide shutdowns and the impact on the litigation industry: “[What] we’ve learned is that if you shut down active society, the litigation industry, unlike maybe some other industries, continues to run reasonably well, but it definitely has an impact on particularly durations of cases that are either going to need to be tried by a jury, or need a jury trial in the realistic future in order to motivate parties to actually resolve cases.”
You can learn more about IMN here, and watch a clip of Owen’s panel discussion below.